Laser Lipo FAQs

Laser Lipo FAQs

Free Consultation | Over 15 Years of Experience | Military Discounts

Free Consultation
Over 15 Years of Experience
Military Discounts

Frequently Asked Questions 

Check out some of the frequently asked questions we get at Body Slender Laser Center.

Call (315) 405-8555 to schedule an appointment.
  • What is laser lipo (laser lipolysis)?

    Laser Lipolysis is a safe, painless, and completely noninvasive treatment for spot-fat reduction and aesthetic body contouring. Clients have found hard-to-reduce trouble spots, such as love handles, tummy bulge, and saddlebags are significantly reduced with just a few treatments.

    Laser paddles target adipose (fat) tissue externally through the skin for 10 minutes per treatment area. Results are seen in both circumference measurement and degree of body contour in the area. Clients can optimize their results through multiple laser lipo treatments combined with cardio type activity post treatment.

    Studies have found that clients who eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly will experience the best laser lipo results. However, even clients with sluggish metabolism remark that they experience a unique and invigorating body wakeup. 

    It is highly recommended that cardio-type activity, as well as our complementary whole-body vibration session, be utilized immediately following the laser lipo session.

  • How does the laser work to shrink fat cells?

    Light energy emitted by the laser safely penetrates the patient’s skin. The fat cells absorb the electromagnetic energy from the light. When enough energy is absorbed, transitory (short-lived) pores form on the surface of the fat cells. 

    Water, glycerol, and free fatty acids then leak out of the fat cells and through the body’s natural cleansing system, they are released into the circulation to be processed and removed naturally. This is just like what happens when you exercise. 

    As a result, the fat cells are smaller, which results in inch loss, fat loss, and often a reduction in the appearance of cellulite.

  • Don’t you have to diet and exercise to lose fat and inches?

    Losing weight for many is not just about diet and exercise. It is about caffeine, stress, poor sleep, pain, overeating, undereating, wrong kind of exercise, wrong kind of diet, and other lifestyle factors.

    People can eat less and exercise more, and still not lose weight. That is where laser lipo comes in – helping people who have tried but just cannot seem to produce results. Laser lipo helps them produce results with lifestyle changes.

    For people who do all the right things and are mostly healthy and fit but still have that one problem area, no matter what they do, laser lipo can spot reduce those areas.

    For those who want to be healthy, but lack the motivation because they don’t really see any results when they are being healthy, this helps them see really quick results. They now are more motivated to stick with those healthier lifestyle choices.

  • Is the laser lipo procedure safe?

    Absolutely. Our laser lipo treatments are FDA-approved and completely noninvasive, unlike liposuction. Clients feel nothing but warmth from the laser paddles during the relaxing 10-minute treatments.

  • Are the results from the laser lipo treatments permanent?

    No matter what you do, including drugs, surgery, pills, potions, or even diet and exercise, if clients don’t maintain a healthy lifestyle, no weight will ever stay off.

    This is no different from laser lipo treatments. To maintain weight loss, there is only one way – no matter what you do or don’t do, keep living a healthy lifestyle.

Our Laser Lipo

Clinically proven to drop 2 to 3 clothing sizes in a month. Call us today.

(315) 405-8555

(315) 405-8555

"I love the way I look after the Strawberry Laser Lipo Treatments! I was able to drop 2 whole dress sizes after the laser treatments on my abdomen, hips and thighs. I went twice a week on my lunch break from work. The entire procedure is so relaxing and the results speak for themselves. It's like I have a brand new body!

The results were unbelievable. I feel more confident and stronger and my wife agrees! I would definitely recommend it to everyone who struggles with their weight."

- Tina K., Henderson, NY

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